Inspiration is All Around Us

I spoke with a friend today and learned that the new job in another state was bringing him more fulfillment and financial abundance. I was inspired! Hearing about how he realized his dream made my heart smile. Then I reflected on my other friend, a divorcee, with two children, who left a high-powered stressful corporate job in search for more fulfillment and work-life balance.  Now, she has a great job with work-life balance, married to a wonderful man and she just had a baby. Over the years, there have been friends, family and others that have sought greatness, ran toward it, stumbled, crawled, stood tall and walked into their great life. As you sit with where you want to go in your life today, take a moment to reflect on someone you know who is living in the brilliant space they created. The power, love and determination that they leveraged to achieve, lies within you. People doing bold, beautiful things are all around us like breaths of fresh air. Encouraging you to breath easy and open up to the inspiration blossoming around you.